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High rate of non-response and relapse associated with peginterferon-alfa monotherapy for the treatment of acute hepatitis C in HIV-infected patients




Background: The incidence of acute hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is rising. Because of low patient numbers and a wide variety of inclusion criteria between studies, the optimal treatment regimen is under debate. We advocated peginterferon-alfa monotherapy (pegIFN-α) for acute HCV in HIV-coinfected patients (Arends-JE et al. AIDS 2008; 22(11):1381-138). Methods: In HIV-infected patients acute HCV was diagnosed by anti-HCV serology and quantitative PCR (HCV-RNA), in combination with clinical signs or elevated alanine aminotransferase (ALAT), and a negative serology within 1 year prior to diagnosis. All patients started treatment with peginterferon alfa-2a (180 μgr /weekly) and continued if a rapid viral response at week 4 (RVR, i.e. HCV-RNA 2log10decrease or undetectable HCV-RNA at week 12 of therapy. Results: Until July 2009 a total of 23 HIV-patients were diagnosed in both centers (UMCU and UMCG) with acute HCV-infection (17 genotype 1 and 6 genotype 4) of whom 19 started peginterferon alfa-2a monotherapy. A RVR was reached by 7 patients (37%) while 10 patients (53%) achieved an EVR. 2 patients reached an EVR with addition of ribavirin from week 4 onwards. Nine patients (47%) were non-responders with a less than 2log10 drop in HCV-RNA at week 12 with 1 patient receiving additional ribavirin from week 4 onwards. All non-responders discontinued treatment at week 12 of therapy. With respect to time between seroconversion and start of therapy, baseline HCV-RNA viral load, maximum ALAT reached, baseline CD4 count and HIV-RNA viral load, no statistical differences were observed between responders (RVR and EVR) and non-responders. Interestingly, 5 out of 7 patients achieving a RVR also completed their 24-weeks of therapy. Unexpectedly, 3 patients in this group experienced a relapse of their HCV-infection. This relapse was confirmed by sequence analysis of the NS5B-region comparing the baseline quasi-species pool with the relapse strains. Conclusion: Peginterferon-alfa monotherapy resulted in a high percentage of non-responders. Furthermore, relapse of HCV-infection in patients achieving a RVR, was common after completion of treatment. Combination with ribavirin seems to be essential in HIV-infected patients with acute HCV infection.
机译:背景:感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的患者中急性丙型肝炎病毒感染(HCV)的发生率正在上升。由于患者人数少且研究之间的入选标准多种多样,因此最佳治疗方案尚有争议。我们提倡将聚乙二醇干扰素-α单一疗法(pegIFN-α)用于HIV感染患者的急性HCV(Arends-JE et al.AIDS 2008; 22(11):1381-138)。方法:在HIV感染患者中,在诊断前1年内通过抗HCV血清学和定量PCR(HCV-RNA)结合临床体征或丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALAT)升高诊断为急性HCV,血清学阴性。所有患者均开始使用peginterferon alfa-2a(每周180μgr)治疗,如果在治疗的第4周出现病毒快速反应(RVR,即HCV-RNA 2log10降低或在治疗的第12周未检测到HCV-RNA),则继续治疗。结果:截至2009年7月在两个中心(UMCU和UMCG)总共诊断出23名HIV患者(急性HCV感染)(17基因型1和6基因型4),其中19人开始接受聚乙二醇干扰素alfa-2a单药治疗,RVR达到7例(37%) ),而有10例患者(53%)达到了EVR; 2例患者从第4周开始加入了利巴韦林达到EVR; 9例患者(47%)无反应,在第12周时HCV-RNA下降低于2log10, 1名患者从第4周开始接受其他病毒唑治疗,所有无反应者均在治疗的第12周停止治疗。就血清转化至治疗开始之间的时间,基线HCV-RNA病毒载量,达到的最大ALAT,基线CD4计数和HIV- RNA病毒载量,未观察到统计学差异响应者(RVR和EVR)和非响应者。有趣的是,达到RVR的7名患者中有5名也完成了24周的治疗。出乎意料的是,该组中的3名患者经历了HCV感染的复发。通过比较基线准物种库和复发菌株的NS5B区序列分析,确认了该复发。结论:聚乙二醇干扰素-α单一疗法导致较高的无反应者比例。此外,完成治疗后,达到RVR的患者HCV感染复发很常见。与利巴韦林合用似乎对于HIV感染的急性HCV感染患者至关重要。



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